
Off hill training session

Tuesday December 12th 6:30-8:30pm (Virtual)

The session is divided into informative sessions, which provide an overview of our program, information related to various disabilities and helpful tips for our instructors.

On-Hill Training

January 8th, 9th &10 ( your scheduled ski night from 6:30-8:30pm)

All new instructors will complete our on hill training for Level One certification. Having completed a season as a level one Instructor you may specialize in a particular piece of equipment or disability.

Regular Program

Our program runs for 7 weeks starting in January and ending in February. Lessons are offered Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm.

Special Events

Date TBA

Instructor Appreciation Day

Having completed training, attended special events, turned out each night in the freezing rain, blizzards, etc our instructors (and of course ALL our volunteers) deserve a lot of thanks. This is a day towards the end of the season where we are invited to Caledon Ski Club at a reduced rate just to ski. We meet many new people getting involved with a program like this and during the season as we are all busy with our students we don’t always have the time to get to know each other. This day is the perfect opportunity to just ski with old and new friends.  There is lunch which is included in the ticket. Your ticket is available at the West Hill Lodge through one of the Track 3 Directors.